Thursday, September 6, 2012

Who Wants In?

Stumbled across this amazing website (and when I say stumbled I mean I clicked through a link from twitter or freakbook or some other feed of endlessly joyous/wasteful cultural/trash absorption that robs me of most of my days and nights). 

The site features a collection of photos of ten water parks from around the world that have fallen into disrepair and been reclaimed by the environment. I want to to make a film with sweet-as actors and an alarmingly thin plot that somehow justifies the use of all of these locations. The beginning and end of the film will be set in this park in Shizuoka, Japan as featured in ruin explorer Michael John Grist's photos. I'll probably cast Tony Leung Chiu-Wai and he can wax lyrical in voice over about love and loss as he wanders around the park, smoking and being awesome. Although cast, budget and crew (and the script and story outline) are still waiting confirmation, who wants in?

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